Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Ya it's Cinco de Mayo but it also happens to be a special day in Sam & Erin history...our meetiversary!
Definition please? 
meet-i-ver-sa-ry: noun / the date on which two people met in a previous year  
 Can you use it in sentence please? jokes. 
Even though May 5th does not mark the date we first laid eyes on each other, this was the first time we talked to each other i.e. met! In between hosting the most spectacular cinco de mayo party with my roommates, eating more chips than I can count, and winning a limbo contest (being the shortest has its perks), I got to witness the craziness of all that is Sam. And let me tell you, it was something.  
I've never laughed harder! I might have peed my pants that night....no joke.    
So that's fun. 
But it was fun and that's probably why he stuck around. 
From that lovely day May 5, 2013
to May 5, 2014 
after our Honeymoon in Mexico 

to May 5, 2015
before our celebratory fajita dinner after Final #1 

I'm so blessed to have met Samuel and I'm so glad he stuck around for little me. And I'd like to add, props to Sam for getting 3rd place in that limbo contest. I don't even know how he pulled that one off.
He's just chalk full of hidden talents. (pretend fits of rage and rants about privatizing the ocean included)  
Happy 2nd Meetiversary! 
Or better yet happy cinco de meeto!

|| Erin 

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