Tuesday, November 26, 2019

fall happenings

First things first--we are BUILDING A HOUSE!! We bought a tiny dirt lot and are building a little house with David Weekley! We are so excited and it is going to be the cutest little house! It should be done early summer hopefully!

We didn't get super festive this fall but we started off by going to a pumpkin patch called Cross E Ranch in North SLC. Tip: they have the best apple cider donuts (I'm talking melt in your mouth status) that are to die for! And also they have pretty good french fries too. We tried the corn maze and got lost a few times but made it out eventually.

 Posed with some pumpkins but didn't buy any because the extreme cold had made pretty much all of them go rotten. 

We super last minute dressed up for Halloween. We both got home from work at 6:00pm, decided to dress up that night, changed and in 20 mins we were out the door to Sam's parents for their traditional soup in pumpkin shaped bread bowls & donuts and apple cider dinner. 
This costume was definitely not our best work, but considering the fact that we weren't even planning on dressing up this year, I'd say for $2 and for 5 mins of planning--it turned out pretty well! Also, killing it this year only spending $2 on old person makeup-the rest of the stuff we already had! 
So here you have it-- Grandma Coco and Miguel from the Disney movie Coco. 

We also had a Modesto girls reunion one night with all the Modesto girls living in Utah. It was so fun seeing people who grew up babysitting me, girls my age, and girls who were a little younger than me. Love them all! Modesto 7th Ward for life!!


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