Tuesday, March 29, 2016

spring break 2k16: justin bieber

This weekend we headed to Vegas for one purpose, JUSTIN BIEBER!!  
Ingrid hooked us up with tickets and we stayed at her in-laws in Las Vegas. 
It was so fun having a girls weekend with my law school friends. It's great having friends who are in the same place as us and going through similar things.

Of course we had to stop at Cafe Rio because we all miss it so much. 
San Diego needs to jump on the Cafe Rio train ASAP.

We took this picture before heading to the concert but it totally looks like we're going to our first dance or prom lol.

Heyyyy Justin we see you!! 
Our seats were freaking amazing and JBieb was so close! 
I still can't get over how amazing it was! His voice, dancing, outfits and everything was amazing! 
New celeb crush for sure! I sang my heart out and lost my voice in the process. But it was all worth it! Spending 40 bucks on a t-shirt #worthit. Having the car break down and being stranded in Vegas...that might not have been worth it. But JUSTIN, he was #worthit.

Bigger than satan, Bieber.
I'll just end with that...

Monday, March 21, 2016

spring break 2k16: rattlesnake encounter

We started Saturday afternoon like any other -- driving the party van in the direction of the beach. We were in search of the Secret Swings that overlook La Jolla Cove but before we found the swings, there were cool little huts and a tree house to explore. 

As we walked along the path to where the swings were located, we were taking a video and not paying attention. I looked down to find a RATTLESNAKE right in the middle of the path!! 
I literally looked into it's eyes! 
I'm freaking out just writing about it. Snakes are my ultimate worst fear. Like I can't even look at a picture of one. And in real life I was only TWO steps away!! 
I was so scared I only whispered "snake" then I booked it outta there! Sam had no idea what was going on and took a step closer only to have the snake coil up and rattle. That's when I went crazy-- I was shaking, screaming, crying; basically a mess (and it's all on video. Lovely...) 
 The whole time Sam was trying to calm me down so I wouldn't hyperventilate. Then he gave me a piggyback all the way back to our car because any little stick on the ground caused me to panic again.  
He's my favorite. 

We never did find the swings/ I am never going to go back again to try. Nothing is worth a chance encounter with a rattlesnake. Also I just read that the swings were cut down so it's all good. 
But I still can't believe we got the whole thing on video!! 
(not great quality but it's just so you can get an idea)

To take our mind off things we went down to the beach to spend the rest of the day. Which was perfect because you know what's great about the beach? NO SNAKES! 


Samuel is 27!! 
27 things I love about my birthday boy + why I'm so glad he's mine!

1. He drives the mom van to work everyday without complaint 
2. He wakes up at the butt-crack of dawn but somehow still survives 16 hour days
3. He watches Bach with me every week
4. He loves moving the mattress into the living room for movie nights
5. He puts up with my shopping habits even if I come home with a new swim suit every week 
6. He loves me even when dinner only consists of mac and cheese at 11pm at night
7. He always compliments how clean the house looks even if I only did a 10 second tidy
8. He always asks my permission to play video games because he knows how much I hate them
9. He is always willing to give me a massage
10. He is the messiest PB&J maker leaving crumbs everywhere
11. He says said crumbs are for his friends the ants
12. He talks in his sleep
13. He is a dodgeball champion
14. He is letting me leave during his Spring Break to go to the Justin Bieber concert
15. He has probably made the bed 5 times since we've been married
16. He unclogs the shower drain 
17. He takes care of me when I'm sick including bringing home soup from Boudin 
18. He works really hard
19. He is a champ at parallel parking
20. He isn't afraid of what others think
21. He has no problem speaking his mind
22. He is a procrastinator but still doesn't stress...too much
23. He takes pictures for me
24. He snuggles me to sleep every night
25. He sneaks out of bed to play video games when he can't sleep
26. He tells me I look beautiful everyday
27. He loves me

I am SO thankful for Samuel and I love having a reason to celebrate him! 
Happy birthday babe!

mushroom caves

The weekend before spring break we took some friends and went to Mushroom Caves in Solana Beach. It was so fun going back because this was one of our first weekend outings when we moved to San Diego (you can read about here). But now we have friends to do things with and this time we hiked all the way up to the top of the caves. 

Sorry for the overload of pictures. And be prepared for tons of updates on our spring break. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

boarding the bay

 As we were driving home from a visit from Dad in Oceanside Sunday night, the sun was setting perfectly over Mission Bay and we decided we had to take advantage of the beautiful night. We got out the longboards and cruised around Mission Bay Park. There were hardly any people which was perfect because I'm still learning/have very little control/usually being pushed & pulled along by Samuel. See Exhibit A. But slowly and surely I am getting my bearings #skateboardpun. I know I'm behind the game because everyone and their dog AND cat knows how to skate! But I actually was pushing along and turning....sometimes. Progress people! 
Also I made a little video of our night long boarding so you can take a looksie if you'd like.

Looking forward to more sunset skate dates with Samuel and perhaps a cute bulldog to hop on the board with me...

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