Tuesday, January 27, 2015

fan of jan

January 2015 hit us full force. We've already had some ups and downs but I'm surprised how many great things have come our way. So let's get to it!

++ Remember that one time I thought my dental hygiene license would come in a matter of weeks? Well those weeks turned into five months...But as of January 5th, I am now a California licensed hygienist! I've had a couple of job interviews (some good, some really bad) but I am currently just temping. Temping itself is another story, probably one that will never be told. (but really my first experience was crazy!)

++ To make the most of our time here in San Diego we decided we should become
Sea World Trainers!! 
Jokes! We did decide to invest in wetsuits though. And I seriously could pass for an Sea World employee in it. Our wetsuits have been so dandy this "winter" because we try to go surfing every weekend #worthit.

++ Also we decided to buy our own surfboard! Sure we're not experts at surfing yet so why get a short board? Well it was a super good deal so we obliged. Our first day with it I managed to stand up once but I'm guessing that probably won't happen again anytime soon. 

++ Hands down probably the highlight of 2015 so far-- we are the new owners of the mom van!! My loving mother drove down to San Diego to deliver this gem. What a beaut. Talk about perfect surfboard mobile and perfect second mode of transportation when Samuel gets his summer internship #blessed.
Thanks Mom and Dad!

++ Our whole six months in San Diego we have been tv-less. Sure living without cable is great but constantly watching movies on a laptop is no fun. Then on Sunday a little miracle happened...Cue sign in a neighbor's yard for a free tv. Yep we snatched up that tv real quick and it works perfectly! #winning

++ I've been good at making dinner every night which is saying something! But every once in awhile you need to go on a little date to the Thai food restaurant down the street.
^^ looks like mr. lion is hungry too ^^
|| Erin

Friday, January 9, 2015

i'm a girl boy scout

Being the leader of the 11 year old Boy Scouts sure is ______. The fact is there's not quite a word to describe it no matter how many descriptive adjectives there are in the world. I didn't grow up with brothers and my family rarely went camping so I am nowhere near qualified or experienced in the scouting department. Yes I did win a Pine Wood Derby when I was 15 but I didn't even make the car so basically, I cheated...

Our first scout lesson was on knots, lashings, and hitches (talk about rough stuff!) I'm a pro square knot tier but that's it so let's just say we crashed and burned hard! Luckily the boys are smarter than us and they taught each other, well Henry taught everyone. This week we learned about the importance of physical health and exercising. I bet the boys I could do more push-ups than them...bad idea? A certain someone (Ahem, Henry) was reaching the 30's and I was starting to get a little nervous. But I'm proud to say we tied/I let us tie at 30 push-ups.
 S/O to Henry for being a champ.

Even though they act like they want to kill each other, (I'm talking wrestling matches and tackles galore) we have the cutest little 11 year olds. Scouts is probably the greatest part of our Wednesday night but let's be real, we can't wait for that hour to be over. I can seriously hear the angels singing hallelujah by the time 7:30 rolls around. 

|| Erin

Saturday, January 3, 2015


The twins turn twenty-two!!
Time to turn on that Taylor tune.

December 30, 1992--I was born and so was my permanent best friend.
hello ghosts of birthdays past. the twins turn one 
 Twenty-two years later and nothing has changed...well obviously some things but I still have my best friend by my side and that is just dandy.
This year Meggie came to celebrate with me in San Diego which was so fun! A week long of shenanigans and catching up was greatly needed after our personal record breaking 4 month hiatus. 
Like what happened to that one time it was only 2 days!!

Here are some highlights from our San Diego birthday.
--biking, pizookies, sunsets, dance parties, movies and surfing--

Love you bbgurl! Here's to a great year of being 22!
|| Erin

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014 wrap-up

Our 2014 winter break was spent all over the place but we loved it.

1. San Diego, CA
Our first Christmas together. (we celebrated a little early so we could fit in time with both our families)
Then we started off on our forever long road trip.

2. Modesto, CA 
My friend Katie got married at the Oakland Temple.

3. Orem, UT
Christmas at Sam's parents' home. (we even woke up to a White Christmas!)

4. Monterey, CA
A Family Reunion which included: Monterey Bay Aquarium, ice skating at Fisherman's Wharf, bike riding along the coast, movies, hot tubbing, cousins, and lots of food.


5. San Diego, CA
We added an extra person on our trip back to San Diego. Megan came with so we could celebrate our birthday together. (more on that later because being 22 calls for it's own post)  

|| Erin

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