Thursday, July 19, 2018

my favorite girls

I went home for a weekend and got to see some of my favorite girls. 
These girls right here (we missed you Maddy) are my everything! The only way to describe our friendship is more like family. I grew up with them. We've known each other basically since the day we were born, I don't remember my life without them. We've been through joy school together, they were still friends with me during my awkward homeschool stages, my bad perm in 6th grade & loved me even if I occasionally peed my pants from laughing so hard. We've spent countless hours together at music lessons, swim/waterpolo practices, church dances and sleepovers.  But most importantly we've been through the good and the bad with each other. I love that no matter where we are in our lives--babies, school, marriage, work, from NY to TX to ID to CA we can still drop everything and be  there for each other. Literally crying thinking about how much I love them!

my sistas!

gma Lola!

& mamabucks!!

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