Thursday, April 16, 2020

erin & sammy's house

We started off our housing journey as a married couple living in Sam's parents basement, then next our San Diego 1 bedroom un-airconditioned, dishwasher/laundry-less apartment, then off to our LA studio that was 550sq ft., then to Grandma's house and currently Mom's house. We have been so lucky and blessed in all our housing locations. We found our CA places through lots of prayers and miracles but also horror stories and then our UT places with lots of help from family.

But we're so excited to FINALLY have a place of our own that's bigger than 550sq feet, that not only has air-conditioning but it's own laundry room! Here are some home building updates just for memories sake and because it's exciting!

We chose a dirt lot, chose a home layout & signed the papers for our new home!!

Chose our interior options for the house and spent a good chunk of money ;)

We have a hole! 

We have a foundation!

We have half a house! The main floor is framed and it's starting to look like a house!

January 18th 
Can you tell we're excited about the progress? We now have two finished floors with working stairs and a front door! And it was so surreal walking around like we owned the place-oh wait we do! That's weird.

Had our pre-drywall meeting and the insulation, electrical, plumbing, and the driveway are all finished & we have roof shingles!

Left for Hawaii and came home to a completely different house! The outside stucco is painted, the front siding is put on, dry wall is finished, tile is done, laminate flooring is in and I couldn't be happier with it (tears of joy people! It's so pretty!), and all the cabinets are in!! It's going so much faster than we thought! That means baby girl will have a nursery to come home to! 

The outside of the house is finished and looking so good! We love all the light we get through our amazing windows! 

The backsplash is in and now grouted and I love how it turned out!
 The light fixtures and mirrors are in!
 Now we're just waiting on the carpet install and appliances!!

MARCH 14th
Carpet is finally in and things are starting to get cleaned up so it doesn't look like a construction site anymore and you can actually see how good the floors look!! 

MARCH 21st
The appliances are in and look soooo good!! They make everything look complete and I'm so excited to move in! It's the happiest house! Definitely a light in this crazy world right now.

We had our last walk through of the house to check out every little detail before we close and we seriously can't wait another week to move! 

APRIL 10th
We are officially HOMEOWNERS! It's so surreal and it's so fun! Living in CA we never thought we'd own a house anytime soon but then moving to UT we felt so behind everyone else who had a home right out of college so it's been so amazing to see this dream become a reality! I can't wait to bring baby girl home to OUR house!


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