Tuesday, December 9, 2014

sk8er vibes

Finals? What finals? Stoked because dead week means sleeping in and having fun! Jokes. (Not about the sleeping in part though). But because the sun is still shining we have to make the most of it. One morning we hit the streets for a sick shred sesh instead of hitting the books. But I'm not fooling anyone #poser. I'm definitely not a skater; obvious from my childhood of violin lessons and pretend fashion shows. And I'm pretty sure I had training wheels on my bike until I was 11... But you're not hardcore unless you live hardcore. So I went longboarding with my sk8er boi. It was chill bro.

My nonexistent skating abilities were made up for by Sam pulling me. None the less, mad props to me for shredding with the locals.

|| Erin

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I love December because it means

The end of semesters:
Hallelujah! Sam will be finished with his first semester of law school in 3 weeks. We are literally counting down the days!

A San Diego December isn't exactly "winter" because it's not snowing and freezing but slightly overcast is a perfect winter for me. I can't seem to talk enough about the weather can I? (But seriously, it was 90 degrees on Thanksgiving. Absurd!) 

December 2014 also means Sam and Erin's first Christmas. Yay!
Being our first, I realized how unprepared we were for this festive holiday. And no dental hygiene license means no job, which means no money but hey, at least I have LOADS of free time. I suddenly went into major craft mode. (What? That has never happened. I am the most unartistic person.)  First I made a garland. Next Christmas stockings, with my mom's help of course. Then things got really carried away and the next thing I knew, I was making ornaments too!

Now that we had all the fixings, the final ingredient for Christmas was a tree. There's no better place than Christmas Tree Country to find a little tree. (It's the same place we got our pumpkins which you can read about HERE 

On our way home with Norman (that's his name)

Our first Christmas is already starting to be better than I imagined. See for yourself: 

And this is why I love Sam. Yes he is wearing the stockings I made.

|| Erin

Thursday, November 27, 2014

a new york proposal

I can't believe that one year ago Samuel proposed to me! New York at Thanksgiving, why not propose? We all saw it coming but I am still surprised Sam was able to keep it a secret the whole day. (I can usually read him like a book) I should have been suspicious on the metro ride to Empire State Building but it all started off like any normal day. It was rainy and cold; Sam was dressed in his $6 DI shirt so I thought no primping necessary and off we went. Everything was going along without a hitch. Sam got the ring through building security without me noticing and it stopped raining right when we got to the 86th floor observatory. But the day definitely had it's chaotic moments.....
craziest, strongest, coldest wind of my life
At the observatory it was freezing and we stayed outside just long enough to snap some pictures and sneak some kisses. I was ready to jet but Sam seemed to be taking his sweet time. I wondered why he would want to wait up there any longer. It finally hit me. He was going to propose right then and there.  I blurted out "No way, no way!!" a million times before he had the chance to say anything. I remember him saying how much he loved me and wanted to be with me forever. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. We both were a shivering, crying, and wind blown mess but it was perfect. I just wanted to kiss him forever and marry him that very minute.

This Thanksgiving I'm glad for everything that we've been through together and that Samuel asked me to marry him one year ago. Saying yes was the best decision I ever made.
|| Erin

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

trip to potato chip

It's been a while since my last weekend adventure post. You probably didn't know 1.) Sam's hair was so long and 2.) we still have fun even though law school has gotten the better of us for the past couple weekends. (Midterms and final papers were upon us.) 

For last weekend's adventure we decided a little sun, exercise, and a change of scenery were necessary. The perfect thing was even on our "San Diego To Do" list, Potato Chip Rock hike. It's known because of the pictures you see on the internet. We took the back route which was a decent 4 miles instead of the 7 or 8 mile hike around Lake Poway. We weren't up for an all day event, just a little break from Sam's beast of a paper. 

There it is behind us in all its glory, Potato Chip. It's was not the most amazing thing ever and we weren't about to wait an hour to get a picture on top. One in front of Potato Chip would have to do. But we have 3 years in San Diego so we'll probably be back for a picture. 
^^ see the line. college students and tourist galore! 

It was fun to get away from our little bubble in Mission Valley and explore a new area. We love it here and I love Samuel for taking breaks to play with me.

Bigger news, after our hike Samuel chopped off all his hair. So sad! He had worked so hard on his little man bun and now it's gone. Literally there was enough hair to make a wig! (Maybe a little disgusting.) But I can't complain because he looks even more dreamy with his new look. He says the short hair's not permanent but as for now, he's looking like a professional ready for the upcoming interviews.

|| Erin

Monday, November 3, 2014

finally fall

Yesterday the radio announcer said--no sarcasm, "You might want to stay inside because of today's crappy weather." This blew our minds! It was a lovely 70 degree day with an ocean breeze. Can it get any more perfect?

San Diego is not a place where all four seasons are represented. I'm ok with that if it means no snow. But fall is a bit of a bummer here. The leaves don't change colors and there are no rainbow mountains. Yes it's no Utah fall, but I'm loving our new fall weather--70 degrees and overcast, I'm not complaining.

On the first overcast day to celebrate the first sign of fall we went to a pumpkin patch. I was so excited to pick out the perfect pumpkin but it wasn't hard with the limited options we had. Total pumpkin patch FAIL! It was probably the most pathetic one I have ever been too. Our first problem was we went on Halloween day. There were literally no more pumpkins left! Our second problem was that it was the only nearby pumpkin patch so everyone and their mom had already visited. We learned our lesson--we will be the first ones to go get a Christmas Tree.

Just look at that selection! You can't help but laugh. Sam and I were dying! We helped ourselves to the free apple cider and grabbed the only decent pumpkins. 

Even though there are no mountains or leaves changing colors; we get the prettiest fall sunsets and cotton candy skies. It's amazing and I don't have to suffer the freezing falls of Utah. Last night was the first time I have ever been cold in our apartment. It's a miracle! Welcome fall!

|| Erin

Saturday, November 1, 2014

as you wish halloween

Last Halloween Sam and I won the costume contest. Let's be honest, we probably won because Sam is brown and went shirtless but I'll never forget those indian costumes.

That being said, this year we especially felt the pressure to dress to impress. Thinking of a clever couple costume is hard but we finally found the perfect one. One that was "inconceivable" and filled with "wuv, tru wuv".

You probably guessed it, our costumes featured the classic Princess Bride. Sam and I grew up with that movie so it was a great fit. (We seemed to be quoting it all day) Samuel was my sweet Westley/The Dread Pirate Roberts and I was Princess Buttercup.

Goodwill was solely responsible for our costumes. A whole $20, not too shabby. And thank goodness for the wonderful person who got rid of their red satin long-sleeved leotard so my costume could be perfect. Seriously the leotard is MONEY! It will probably make an appearance in years to come...

We had a fun Halloween making new friends and eating so many delicious treats. I'm already thinking of next years costume because this Halloween seemed to come and go too fast. I mean, it's not even fall here yet.

|| Erin

Friday, October 24, 2014

six months

Half a year. Half a dozen months. Six months.  
Good things come in half a dozen like donuts which we did celebrate with.
(Side note: Rose Donut Shop is right down the street, open 24hrs, and cheap which makes it dangerously good for our lactose intolerance selves.)

The past six months married to Samuel have been wonderful. We have experienced so many changes since we started our life together. Of course there always are ups and downs, but through them we have learned so much about each other. Noteworthy events of these six months include:

+ honeymoon in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

+ one year meet-a-versary

+ graduating from dental hygiene school

- saying goodbye to the scoot 

+ passing all my board exams

+ moving to San Diego 

- saying goodbye to friends and family

+ renting our first apartment

+ starting law school

I can't wait for many more months with this great husband of mine. I'm so content by my favorite human's side. Happy 6 month anniversary Sammy! 

|| Erin

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

hello zoo

Say hello to the newest San Diego Zoo members!! I'm not bragging or anything; we just take pride in our good investments. Our dual membership was $119 for an unlimited year's entry to the zoo and safari park! Even just going twice pays for itself! Now you know where we will be spending most of our weekends. I've already been to the zoo twice in a span of five days...Making the most of it? Guilty.

Our first zoo visit was with our friends Maddy and Alex. They live in San Diego and have zoo memberships as well. Only two words can describe them: "zoo veterans!" They know everything and anything about the zoo and it's animals. Every dirty detail (Ex: we were here when so and so gave birth!) and every animal's name. (Ex: Cookie the Honey-badger). They were the perfect people to introduce us to the zoo and we had so much fun with them.


My second zoo excursion was sans Samuel. My cute cousin Isabella turned 5 so we celebrated at the zoo. Just Izzy and I. We have spent loads of time together this summer so it was fun to change things up for our playdate. She is the craziest, loudest and silliest five year old I have ever known so our zoo trip was not one to forget. And I'm pretty sure everyone at the zoo thought she was my child so there's that.

Also I'm quite certain that she had more fun playing on the animal statues and picking flowers than walking around to see the real animals. We stopped at every single statue and she insisted that I take a picture. (Don't worry I'll keep those pictures to a minimum). But her faces as she tried to mimic the animals are priceless. 

Along the way we treated our tired feet to a ride on the skyline and a foot massage. That foot massage  was the best 25 cents I have ever spent. She was in heaven!

We love our zoo membership because we can come and go whenever we please. And because the zoo is exhausting and that's the cold hard truth. 

|| Erin


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