Monday, June 29, 2020

maeve's birth story

I would have never thought that I would go full term with baby girl. I had it in my mind that she would come at like 36 weeks. But at 40 weeks and 1 day we still didn't have a baby. And man I tried everything to get her here sooner--mostly because there was no more room for baby girl and she was just getting bigger and bigger. I did 30 squats and 2 walks a day. Curb walks at night with Sam. Sat on an exercise ball all day doing hip circles, figure eights, and pelvic tilts--you name it! I also did the Spinning Babies exercises and yoga class. I ate 4-6 dates everyday (they're supposed to soften your cervix). And we also tried to break my water like 4 times but girly wasn't having it. On weekends I would have lots of contractions and it would feel like she was so low but then by my appointments on Mondays the contractions would stop and she would be up too high to do anything. I had been 2cm dilated and 70-80% effaced for a couple weeks. So my doctor and I decided it would be best to schedule an induction date. May 21st, a day after her due date but at least I knew I would have a baby sometime soon. 
Thursday, May 21st I woke up at 5:30am and got ready because the hospital is 30 mins away and the nurse told us our hospital admittance time would most likely be 6-6:30. But when I called they said they wouldn't be ready for us until 9:30. So even though I was nervous and excited I was able to go back to sleep for an hour long power nap. Then at 9am we were on our way to the hospital to have a baby! With a short stop at McDonalds for a classy drive thru breakfast for Sam. 
So crazy to be having a baby during a pandemic where no one is allowed to visit and only one support person is allowed with you during labor and delivery. And on top of that, having to wear a mask. My nurse was nice and let us go mask free in our room because who wants to be in labor and wear a mask that makes you hot and sweaty? But also I had to get tested for COVID-19 prior to being induced so they knew I was negative.   
One thing I have always wanted is a birth photographer/videographer but due to the visitor restrictions that wasn't an option so sadly I had to cancel the photographer I had lined up. This honestly was one of the hardest things to accept, behind the fact that my mom couldn't be there. But we tried our best to take some photos and video with a tripod (that ended up being broken) that I brought from home. I guess it all worked out because filming isn't allowed in the OR anyway. 

So we were admitted at 9:30am. My IV and a low dose of pitocin were started shortly after by the cutest, nicest nurse. I loved her. And then my doctor came in around 10:30 and broke my water. I was at a 2-3 and 80% effaced and from there it was a waiting game. I was having regular contractions but not having any problems with them and the nurse upped my pitocin dose to a 9, whatever that means. Sam and I played cards for a couple hours and then all the sudden my contractions were super strong. I started sweating and was lightheaded and couldn't talk. I was standing by the side of the hospital bed just holding on. My nurse told me when I was uncomfortable to ask to get on the epidural list because there were 3-4 other people ahead of me and it could take a while. But the anesthesiologist ended up coming pretty quick so I wasn't in pain for long at all. The epidural was pretty painless because he gave me some short term pain medicine beforehand but it also makes you lightheaded. I was sitting on the bed looking at Sam but I felt so lightheaded and pretty out of it so I only felt a slight sting when he gave me the numbing shot and then really nothing else. That was around 1:30pm. After that I got sleepy so I took a nap and Sam read his book. At 2pm I was dilated to a 5 but baby girl was facing sideways so we tried the peanut ball to help her turn to face the proper direction. We watched Knotting Hill, ate some popsicles, and napped some more. Honestly we were both kind of bored. 
Exhibit A:
At 5pm I was at 6cm but when the nurses changed shifts at 7pm I was still at a 6, 100% effaced and baby was at station 0. Baby girl was having decels when I was laying on my side that they were trying to flip her so they turned down the pitocin and I ended up getting an amnioinfusion. I was getting so frustrated that things weren't progressing every time they checked. At 8pm I got another dose of my epidural because it wasn't working on my right side. And at 10pm my cervix was super swollen and the nurse couldn't even tell how dilated I was so my doctor prescribed Benadryl to help with the inflammation. But at 11:30pm I started throwing up and I had a fever so the nurse called my doctor and we decided it was probably time for a c section for my health and because the baby probably had a fever as well. I'm super grateful for my doctor because during the whole process she allowed me to try and keep progressing on my own before we tried a c section. But in the end she was there to help me make the decision of a c section for when it was best for both our health.  Before I knew it, Sam was scrubbing up and we were on our way to OR 2. 
I wasn't really prepared for getting a c section because in my mind I had done everything to prepare for a vaginal birth. But for some reason I wasn't really scared either. Maybe it was because of the Benadryl, but I was honestly kind of out of it. I was also so shakey and I felt like I was having a seizure, I couldn't hold still and I couldn't keep my eyes open- I was so tired! But Sam just stroked my face the whole time and kept talking to me saying I was so brave and strong and beautiful. And he did my favorite relaxation technique of stroking my eyebrows (weird, I know but so relaxing!) And he just kept telling me over and over to stay awake and keep my eyes open.

Then at 1:31am I felt some pressure and some kicks and baby Maeve was born! She let out one little cry and that was it! My doctor said she was super chunky and there was no way so was coming out naturally. She weighed 7lbs 12 oz and was 19.5 inches long. As she was being born the anesthesiologist told Sam he could watch over the curtain. So he stood up to look and then said, "Actually, I'm just going to sit back down if that's ok." Another favorite quote from Sam after she was born was, "She's a big baby! She's beautiful though even though she kind of looks like an alien." She did have a fever when she was born but her Apgar scores were 8/9. Her head was purple and bruised from being smashed into my pelvis so many times, it was so sad. 

She was such a content and happy baby but they had to do a lot of tests because of the infection/fever when she was born so I didn't get to see her for about 30 mins when Sam finally got to hold her and show her to me. 

Back in my hospital room I was finally able to hold Maeve and do skin to skin but I was so weak and tired I felt like I was going to drop her. The nurse helped me prop her up and get into position for breastfeeding. She latched right away and did so well! I was so proud of her! And so thankful that it came naturally for both of us.

Love my cute family!
We had her in our room for maybe an hour and FaceTimed family and then the nurses had to take her up to the Special Care Nursery to be monitored and given antibiotics for her infection. Luckily her fever went away right after birth but to be safe they still had to do 48 hours of IV antibiotics. 

It was the longest day and night but I'm so glad she got to us safely! Maeve's the perfect addition to our family and we love her so much! 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

newborn photos

When Maevey was 5 days old my awesome, talented cousin Lindsey took some newborn photos (or "Maeve's glamour shots" as I like to call them) in her studio. She slept the entire time even with all the outfit changes and repositioning! I can't believe how cute she is and how much she's changed since she was a little 5 day old.

happy father’s day

Everyone who knows Sam has always said he’s great with kids and that’s been true since day one with Maeve. She loves her daddy, especially the sound of his voice. It instantly calms her. Sam is the cutest with her, calling her princess and having full on discussions with her. He’s also the best and will always volunteer to change her diaper. I don’t think I changed a diaper until like 6 days postpartum. Maeve loves cuddling with daddy in the mornings while I’m getting ready and she also loves her nighttime walks when Sam finishes work. She loves how Sam holds her facing outward because he can get the best burps and spit ups out of her. We are so thankful we have a wonderful man like Sam in our lives. Happy Father’s Day!


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