Sunday, March 1, 2015

a farewell ode

Farewell to my best friend, sister, and twin.
 Four months without your presence is surely a sin.
I'll try to view your Asian adventure with mirth
even though it's basically like you are falling off the face of the Earth.
You're so brave for going 6,661 miles away to China.
Please bring me back a cute Asian baby named Dinah. 
You are going to be the cutest English teacher in Ningbo.
Have fun teaching those kiddies everything they need to know.
Be sure to buy a Mulan kimono so we can play dress up. 
And on plenty of rice and dumplings please sup.
Play with tigers and ride some pandas at the zoo.
Oh sister how I'll miss you!


For those of you who didn't understand my poorly written farewell ode, here's the 411:
On Tuesday Megan is leaving for Ningbo, China approximately 6,661 miles away from me and it's not like I can just hop on a plane to visit her whenever I want. I would never in a million years go to a foreign country where I can't speak the language all by myself for four months! (That's right four months!!) But then again, she's always been the braver sister. 
I think we always knew Megan would one day visit China. 
Maybe it's because we had a Mulan obsession: We've watched the movie too many times to count, we used our asian pajamas we wore every night to both be Mulan for Halloween, and at our princess birthday party Megan chose to be Mulan. (I was Ariel but there were other motives behind that choice. ie. my crush was coming as Prince Eric.)  Or maybe it's because she's obsessed with Asian babies. Either way, I'm happy she gets to go on this Asian adventure! 
we're the two in the asian getup obvi 
Keep up with her adventures at 

Miss you! Love you! xoxo

|| Erin

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