Sunday, December 29, 2019

pregnancy updates

Here's some belly updates in the form of bad selfies and info on some other pregnancy symptoms.

I'm super lucky and thankful that I haven't been too sick during the pregnancy. 
First trimester I was super tired and slept 13+ hours everyday. I would take a nap when I got home from work at 4 and then go to bed at 7 or 8 pm. I also got a little nauseous every day around 3 but it would go away if I took a nap or ate food. There was one day at work where I had a close call but luckily no throwing up-just went super pale and started sweating profusely but then it passed after 10 mins. There was only one night when I had really bad round ligament pain that wouldn't go away and not gonna lie-I cried myself to sleep. 
Second trimester I feel like my nausea has picked up and I have to eat every 2 hours to feel better but it's as easy as that for right now. So I'm just eating everything in sight and putting on the pounds!

September 28th: The day I found out I was pregnant! 

October 22nd: When I still had some form of abs but this was also right after going to the gym so...

November 20th: Right after swimming some laps at the rec center.

November 21st: I had just finished with my last patient at 7pm and I looked down at my belly and it had popped! My belly grows probably 2x bigger at night but I don't think it's going away anytime soon. 

November 24th: Definitely a belly starting to show even in the morning now! 

November 30th: At Steven and Karoline's playing games one night and I was feeling large! Only leggings fit so it's probably time I buy some maternity clothes.

December 2nd: The day we announced the news to the public!!

December 12th: Went to the Doctor today and she said everything looks good and that my weight gain is right on track even though I feel like I'm about to exploded! Also my belly button is now officially an outie...

December 15th: Told people at church today and these tights were majorly cutting off my 

December 20th: All dressed up to go to Sam's Grandma Beth's funeral. Found out that this was the last time I could wear this dress because my rib cage is too big and I was busting at the seams! 

December 21st: Had Christmas at mom's and helped her finish setting up furniture for her new house (why the bed is unmade). Going to be living in this sweater and leggings this winter. 

December 25th: In a fancy pink bathroom at the Little America Hotel in SLC after some yummy Christmas Dinner. Maybe I should just move in and make this the nursery?

December 29th: Wore this cute maternity dress that Brooke got me for Christmas to church today. 
I can't believe tomorrow I turn 27 and that I'm almost halfway with baby girl!  

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

we're having a baby!

We're having a BABY GIRL due in May & we couldn't be more excited! 

Sam and I both felt a little baby was something our family was missing around October 2018 but everything was so crazy in LA and things weren't falling into place. Then the move to Utah happened and even though it was not what I was expecting, we knew it was meant to be. There were a lot of months with tears and negative pregnancy tests but again, everything fell into place. Baby girl is due in May, right when my mom is moving to Utah and right when our new house will be built. We feel so lucky and blessed. And when we found out it was a baby girl, it just seemed so right and I always just felt like a baby girl would be the perfect fit for us. We are so excited and can't wait to meet her!!


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