Monday, April 19, 2021

ten months

 Maeve at 10 Months: 

-Says "uh oh"

-Gives kisses and has been a little more cuddly.

-Sings along to "If All of the Raindrops" --the ah ah ah part

-Finally started CRAWLING! March 25, 2021

-Has been more into reading and likes to read when she wakes up from a nap and before she goes to bed.

-Favorite Books: "My Dad Loves Me" (especially the dog, monkey, and lion page), "A Book of Love" by Emma Randall and the Bedtime for Sam Bear Book.

-Favorite Foods: string cheese, applesauce pouches, oatmeal, pizza, raisin bars, oranges, grapes, rice, and peanut butter. 

-Favorite Song: "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and tries to do the hand motions.

-Loves SOFT THINGS on her face-blankets, soft toys, & baby goats fur! 

-We went to a few baby animal days and she loved the baby goats! She would chase them and pull their tails and smother her face in their fur.

-Took her first SOLO STEPS! 14 steps to be exact. April 2, 2021 
We were at Steven and Karoline's house and she was holding onto a ball so she didn't realize she wasn't holding on to someone's finger. She just cruised! But she's only taken a few solo steps since then. She still wants the security of holding onto someone. 

-New Skills: walking around with stabilization help from the furniture & picking up things on the floor while she is walking. So she holds onto your finger with her left hand and then picks things up with her right. She will do it all day long.

-Loved her first Easter Egg Hunt because it was right up her alley of her new favorite skill (see above).

-She's getting so smart! She likes unloading baskets and has now starting trying to put caps on drinks or her applesauce, stacking her cups and rings.

-Finally can drink through a STRAW! April 16, 2021

-Can basically say "up". I always say "up, up, up" as we go up the stairs so she tries to copy me. 

-Still obsessed with dogs and cats and loves visiting the Tippetts to see Hazel and the kittens. 

-Loves being OUTSIDE and is content walking or running in her stroller or being in her pack for hikes. 
She also loves having picnics outside on a blanket. 

-Does this weird thing of GAGGING herself with her hand until she throws up? Usually in the car randomly like not when she's eating or anything but has also done it while in her highchair when she doesn't like a certain food.

-Has not been the best sleeper this month. She wakes up at least 1x during the night to eat. She has been having separation anxiety and sometimes needs you to lie on the ground next to her crib so she can fall asleep. She reaches for your hand through the crib which is cute but also annoying to have to do that for her to fall asleep. She has been skipping her afternoon nap sometimes. She was on a nap at 11 and 4 but now a 4pm nap is too late so she's been waking up a little earlier around 7:30 which has been helping her afternoon nap be around 3/3:30 and she does so much better that way. 

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