Wednesday, November 29, 2017


 We had a San Diego Thanksgiving again this year. We had so much fun together, ate lots of food, watched movies, and took a ton of pics. So without further adieu here are lots of pictures...
 I picked up Meg and Sara at the airport and then we met up with Dad for brunch at The Cottage- the Lemon Ricotta Pancakes are the bomb. 

We hiked the treacherous Ho Chi Minh Trail in La Jolla. Got a little muddy and I got a gnarly cut on my knee that is still having a hard time healing, but fun was had by all. 

We had Thanksgiving dinner at Seasons 52 like last year and then stopped off at Mount Soledad to watch the sunset. It was probably the best sunset I've seen up there. 

 We took some family pics at Sunset Cliffs. 

 We went on a kayak tour in La Jolla because it was 84 degrees!! 
 Love these people and so thankful they got to come and visit for the holiday. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

superb saturday

We've haven't had too many weekends recently where Sam and I just get to hang out. 
This Saturday after Sam finished the MPRE we got to spend the whole day together!
We went to the beach together which we haven't done in what feels like ages! It was the perfect beach day--no one at the beach and the perfect temperature. We took a nap, played catch--well I tried (I'm not too good at throwing or catching a football), strolled Belmont Park and got a snack.

 Later for dinner we went to a fancy, dancy restaurant in La Jolla called Donovan's thanks to my boss. We were so out of place compared to all the wealthy patrons. But we dressed up to try and fit in and enjoyed a bomb meal and dessert on Dr. B. So that was fun as well. 
It was the perfect day just me and my hunny. 

a magic halloween

We've been known to go all out with our Halloween costumes see previous 2014, 2015, 2016.
 This year was a little harder to convince Sam on an idea but can you believe he was all for being a schoolbus!? Our costumes are usually centered around my hair, hence 
Ms. Frizzle and The Magic School Bus! 
We also kept the tradition alive of do it yourself costumes. I found a blue dress that worked and got to work making it into the space dress that Ms. Frizzle wears in the first episode. I only burned myself with the hotglue gun a couple times... 

The bus was a little trickier and it took way longer to make than expected. We spent like 2 whole days on it! Surprisingly we had all the cardboard on hand from all of Sam's school book purchase and my online ZARA shopping addiction. Also we ran out of yellow paint so that's why it looks a little rough. And I looked totally ridiculous printing off Magic School Bus characters in the USD Law School Library. But we managed to pull it off! One little boy who was probably 4 years old and didn't even know what the magic school bus was went straight up to Sam and said, "COOL COSTUME!" I think he just had a thing for busses or he thought it was some sort of Transformer...

The best part of Halloween though was going to SkateWorld in costume, with all our friends. Literally the best night ever! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. 


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