Saturday, November 1, 2014

as you wish halloween

Last Halloween Sam and I won the costume contest. Let's be honest, we probably won because Sam is brown and went shirtless but I'll never forget those indian costumes.

That being said, this year we especially felt the pressure to dress to impress. Thinking of a clever couple costume is hard but we finally found the perfect one. One that was "inconceivable" and filled with "wuv, tru wuv".

You probably guessed it, our costumes featured the classic Princess Bride. Sam and I grew up with that movie so it was a great fit. (We seemed to be quoting it all day) Samuel was my sweet Westley/The Dread Pirate Roberts and I was Princess Buttercup.

Goodwill was solely responsible for our costumes. A whole $20, not too shabby. And thank goodness for the wonderful person who got rid of their red satin long-sleeved leotard so my costume could be perfect. Seriously the leotard is MONEY! It will probably make an appearance in years to come...

We had a fun Halloween making new friends and eating so many delicious treats. I'm already thinking of next years costume because this Halloween seemed to come and go too fast. I mean, it's not even fall here yet.

|| Erin

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