Thursday, May 7, 2015

proud wife moment

Once upon a time there was a week that was monumental. 
I'm talking tears of joy + dancing with excitement type of week.
I'm writing mostly to remember this week forever but also to brag a little...Sorry but everyone knows that a wife is entitled to bragging rights every once in awhile. 

This monumental week will forever be referred to as "Sam's Week"and here's why:  
Heaven helped us, the stars aligned perfectly, and it seemed nothing could go wrong/went wrong.
1. Sam set the curve for his Contracts midterm. (We're talking the only A+) 
          2. Sam set the curve for his Property midterm. (Now we're at not one, but TWO A+s)
     3. Sam dominated in his Mock Trail Competition. (3rd place out of 15 teams!)
Like how amazing is that?!
We were above cloud nine!
Yes, I share in his excitement because it's basically like I'm in Law School too.
Samuel is a smarty + he works really hard and I'm so proud of him!

But people we all know life's not perfect so of course we were hit with some struggle weeks too because those seem to be inevitable around here. But hard work and prayer does pay off and after lots of interviews, MONTHS of blood, sweat, tears and stressing to find a summer internship...
                     4. Sam has an amazing summer internship in swanky Del Mar, paid and everything!
Pretty deece for a first year law student.
But I knew that all along because my husband is freaking awesome!
Now it's the middle of finals and we're back to those darn struggle weeks so #prayforus  

So there it is. 
I know, no one likes a bragger so thanks for reading. 
It's a problem and I've come to accept it. 

|| Erin  


  1. you are the best blogger i know. #keepbragging

  2. Love to hear about the good times! p.s. that pic of you two is precious! xx



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