Thursday, January 21, 2021

seven months

Maeve at 7 Months:

-She loved her 1st Christmas ripping wrapping paper and chewing on ribbons. She even sat on Santa's lap and didn't cry.

She is so aware and has to know where everyone in the room is and when they leave.

-She loves food still and is getting better with her spoon and drinking from an open cup.

-Her favorite foods are oatmeal, applesauce, kiwi, ambrosia, pears and soups.

-Still loving her walker and the independence it gives her. She can now turn and pivot very well around the obstacles in the house. We even took her for a joy ride at Classic Skating and she ran the whole rink 3 times! 

-She loves receiving praise and when you clap for her. She will give the biggest smile and if it's something she's unsure of (water in her face during the bath, being dunked in the pool, tipping over from sitting up, etc) the praise makes her happy and you can tell she is proud of herself.

-She is so smart and knows how to turn on the TV and her whale toy.

-She loves to turn pages in books and especially loves her lift-the-flap books. She definitely has her favorite books and some she doesn't have any interest in. 

-She smiles whenever she sees her doll.

-She is saying more sounds like "ma and ba" and has mama and mom before but just from babbling and not with any meaning.

-She loves a youtube video called "Your Baby Can Learn! Volume 1 Full Video" and smiles for a full minute straight when it starts. 

-She has her first bf named Graham from above youtube video. She absolutely loves him! 

-She got her first cold at the very end of month 7.

-Started teething and was the worst sleeper during her cold/teething episode.

-Is a great napper but at bedtime wants to bed held to sleep or cries/screams when you leave the room. Lately we've been either massaging her to sleep or she sleeps in our bed propped up on a pillow because she can't breathe through her nose with her cold and wakes up choking on her snot 5x/night. It's so sad but we're also so tired. 

-She loves dogs and babies right now and smiles whenever she sees them. 

-She loves hiking and swimming & she's been to 2 National Parks now.


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