Tuesday, November 25, 2014

trip to potato chip

It's been a while since my last weekend adventure post. You probably didn't know 1.) Sam's hair was so long and 2.) we still have fun even though law school has gotten the better of us for the past couple weekends. (Midterms and final papers were upon us.) 

For last weekend's adventure we decided a little sun, exercise, and a change of scenery were necessary. The perfect thing was even on our "San Diego To Do" list, Potato Chip Rock hike. It's known because of the pictures you see on the internet. We took the back route which was a decent 4 miles instead of the 7 or 8 mile hike around Lake Poway. We weren't up for an all day event, just a little break from Sam's beast of a paper. 

There it is behind us in all its glory, Potato Chip. It's was not the most amazing thing ever and we weren't about to wait an hour to get a picture on top. One in front of Potato Chip would have to do. But we have 3 years in San Diego so we'll probably be back for a picture. 
^^ see the line. college students and tourist galore! 

It was fun to get away from our little bubble in Mission Valley and explore a new area. We love it here and I love Samuel for taking breaks to play with me.

Bigger news, after our hike Samuel chopped off all his hair. So sad! He had worked so hard on his little man bun and now it's gone. Literally there was enough hair to make a wig! (Maybe a little disgusting.) But I can't complain because he looks even more dreamy with his new look. He says the short hair's not permanent but as for now, he's looking like a professional ready for the upcoming interviews.

|| Erin

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