Monday, March 21, 2016

spring break 2k16: rattlesnake encounter

We started Saturday afternoon like any other -- driving the party van in the direction of the beach. We were in search of the Secret Swings that overlook La Jolla Cove but before we found the swings, there were cool little huts and a tree house to explore. 

As we walked along the path to where the swings were located, we were taking a video and not paying attention. I looked down to find a RATTLESNAKE right in the middle of the path!! 
I literally looked into it's eyes! 
I'm freaking out just writing about it. Snakes are my ultimate worst fear. Like I can't even look at a picture of one. And in real life I was only TWO steps away!! 
I was so scared I only whispered "snake" then I booked it outta there! Sam had no idea what was going on and took a step closer only to have the snake coil up and rattle. That's when I went crazy-- I was shaking, screaming, crying; basically a mess (and it's all on video. Lovely...) 
 The whole time Sam was trying to calm me down so I wouldn't hyperventilate. Then he gave me a piggyback all the way back to our car because any little stick on the ground caused me to panic again.  
He's my favorite. 

We never did find the swings/ I am never going to go back again to try. Nothing is worth a chance encounter with a rattlesnake. Also I just read that the swings were cut down so it's all good. 
But I still can't believe we got the whole thing on video!! 
(not great quality but it's just so you can get an idea)

To take our mind off things we went down to the beach to spend the rest of the day. Which was perfect because you know what's great about the beach? NO SNAKES! 


  1. you are rocking that swimmie <3

  2. Where do you buy your swim suits? I want one! xx

    1. Brooke I got this top at Kortni Jeane and there are also high rise bottoms that pair super cute together. She's a Utah lady and sells her suits online at or at Called to Surf in the Riverwoods. My other one piece was from Nordstrom Rack.



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