Sunday, April 26, 2015

flower filled anniversary

 I'm one of those people who celebrates anything: good grades, half birthdays, meet-a-versaries, number of days I haven't seen an ant in the get the picture. And wedding anniversaries definitely fall on the celebration list. But I'm no pro at anniversary celebrations. Hello, first timer over here. So I made it as glamourous as possible: a surprise pop-tart breakfast for Samuel before I ran off to work, I said glamourous right? but Samuel sure one-uped me when I came home to a mountain of flowers. Like how did he even carry them all home?
 Then we did our favorite things, Thai food for dinner and a movie. We're kind of obsessed with movies like to the point that we always go opening night, not like anyone cares about all of this. But I'm telling you, Age of Adaline. So good! Probably just because Blake Lively is a goddess but just food for thought.   
Friday after Sam's last class we took a trip up to Carlsbad to visit the flower fields. Yes, field(s) plural, I'm talking acres and acres of flowers everywhere. S/O to Samuel for taking me. He's the real mvp!
And now for some really great "action shots" at the flower fields because how else are you supposed to pose with millions of flowers and keep your husband entertained?
And then we went to the next level with these really great photos...Samuel made me.  
It was literally a flower filled anniversary and I loved every second of it. 
|| Erin 

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