Friday, April 17, 2015

one year

 || APRIL 23rd ||
Sam and I have been married for a whole year and I can't even believe it! 
Just last week we laid in bed talking about the past year; about our time dating, all we have accomplished, the places we've been, things we've done and how things have changed. Man life is so crazy!! But somehow life keeps getting better and better and I'm sure it has something to do with Samuel. He makes me so happy! And now I'm probably going to make him very unhappy by posting a link to this little video I made. It's not glamorous or professional at all, just a fun video clips of our first year of marriage consisting mostly of embarrassing moments of Samuel. I might have told him no one else would see it except him...but yolo

And what's says anniversary better than wedding pictures because everyone likes wedding pictures...
Or maybe it's just me. 
 These were all taken by Chantel Marie Photography 
I love April 23rd, I love marriage, and I love Samuel!
Happy One Year Anniversary lover! I can't wait for the years to come.

|| Erin 

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