Wednesday, August 11, 2021

fourteen months

My motto for 14 Month Old Maeve: It was the best of times and the worst of times. She is seriously so fun and we have the best day and I think it doesn't get better than this and then the next day she really pushes my buttons. She throws some killer temper tantrums or she puts on her drama queen personality and cries at every little thing. But for the most part we have the best time together.

-Favorite Activities: playing at the park, reading books, watching movies

-Favorite Food: Mac n Cheese, PBJs, Kodiak Pancakes, Uncle Tony's Ribs, Corn on the Cob, Jello

Favorite Movie/Shows: Frozen, Luca, The Wiggles

-Dislikes: Jealous when other babies play or touch me. Little kids-she thinks she's 5 and only wants to play with older kids. Her OCD gets the best of her sometimes and she hates when strawberries are cut up or grapes are cut up and she won't eat them! 

Skills: Says hi to everyone-in church, on walks, in the car. Independent play-can play at the park by herself and keep herself occupied with random tasks while I am showering or making dinner. She loves a good task. She also is very helpful and takes her diaper to the garbage by herself and she loves to help make food with me. 

Best moments of 14 Months: We were sitting in relief society and Maeve was done with church so she looked at me and signed "all done". She then proceed to scream because we still had 15 mins left and I told her we weren't quite done yet but she's the boss and enough was enough. 

Another good Maeve story-I washed and cut up all the strawberries when I got home from the grocery store so they would be prepped and ready for Maeve to eat. She ate one and then when she asked for more I handed her another cut up strawberry and she started to throw a fit and I didn't know why. I showed her the bowl of strawberries and they were all cut side down so they looked whole to her and she wanted a whole one. But then she proceed to pick up each strawberry and turn it over to find it cut and she lost it! HAHA

I painted Maeve's toes for the first time! Having a girl is so fun! She also loves to look in the mirror after I do her hair and I say so pretty and she does the cheesiest girly smile. 

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