Wednesday, September 15, 2021

fifteen months

Maeve at Fifteen Months:

Went to the Zoo for the first time and loved every second. 

New Skills: Climbing-she loves it and is getting very brave and adventurous-she will climb the rock wall on the playground or anything that looks climbing worthy for that matter. "Works out" with mom and will pretend to do push ups. Very comprehensive-understands what's going on in movies and now gets scared during parts. Really good at please and thank you sign language now. Does a little "where is it" motion when she's looking for the remote.

Quirks: Does a happy dance & scream when she hears the garage open when same gets home from work.  Loves sitting on the bottom stair to put on her shoes, read books, etc. Says "mmm" when she's eating something she really likes. Maeve LOVES Aunt Megan and playing with Jack. She always does her excited scream when she sees them. 

Favorite Activities: Coloring, "cleaning", trying to ride older kids bikes and scooters, riding horses at the farm.

Favorite Foods: Oatmeal, Peaches, Plain Greek Yogurt, Marshmallows, Soda or fancy drinks 

Least Favorite Foods: Still a picky eater--doesn't like Chicken, Fish, vegetables.

Dislikes: Getting clothes wet, getting diaper changed, not getting her way, sitting in her carseat unless she's watching a movie on mom's phone, hates saying goodbye to binky and blankey when she wakes up. 

Maeve is now on a 1 nap schedule and usually sleeps 2.5-3 hours starting around 12 or 12:30. She is sleeping through the night for the most part except during a week stint of molar teething when she would wake up screaming. She loves to be cuddled when she can't fall back asleep on her own and will cling to you when you try and put her down. But during the middle of the night is really the only time I can get cuddles from her so I take them.  

She gets very concerned when Sam and I aren't together. If I go somewhere for a second without her and Sam she gets very nervous. During the week she is fine with Sam being gone but on the weekends when she knows we're supposed to be together 24/7 she kind of freaks out. So if we are going somewhere all together she likes to hold both of our hands because she's happy she gets both of us. Or if Sam accompanies us on a walk or to the park she thinks it's so funny because that's usually just a mom and Maeve thing. 

Maeve now has 4 teeth on bottom with a molar on the left starting and 3.5 teeth on the top with a molar peeking through on the left as well. 

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