Thursday, September 18, 2014

life in limbo

I am stuck. Stuck in the stage right between graduation and looking for a job. I check the mail regularly for any sign of my dental hygiene license. But until it comes, which in reality is about a week and a half, I am in limbo.

I must admit, life in limbo is pretty great. I have no commitments, no plans, no anything for that matter! Without plans or requirements to get done there is no need for a list, but "To Do Lists" are my thing! So here's my daily schedule as follows:

1. Wake up
2. Pack Samuel's lunch for the day
3. Drive Samuel to campus
4. Do the dishes (not having a dishwasher is the worst! but I've found doing the dishes makes me feel semi-productive for the day)
5. Make dinner
6. Leave for the days adventures

Let me explain #5. It might seem out of order, it's not. San Diego is great and all but there is one thing wrong with it. People don't believe in air conditioning! Our cute little apartment is on the second floor so all the heat rises leaving our bedroom a constant 90 degrees. Uncool. Literally! We have recently resorted to pulling our mattress into the living room because it is about ten degrees cooler. Why does everyone say San Diego weather is a dream? Live in San Diego they said. The weather is perfect they said. Wrong! So naturally I have to cook dinner in the early hours of the morning before the dreaded heat kicks in. But no matter how hard I try I can not escape this heat. Hence "To Do" #6.

living room bed
#6 basically means leave the house as fast as possible and don't come back until 7:30pm. And I do just that. I don't have much of a problem deciding what to do because hello! I live 2 minutes from Fashion Valley. Every girls' shopping dream. I mean look at it! And that line up though! It would knock any other mall out of the park! But I live in limbo remember? Unemployed means no money but that doesn't stop me from a day of dress up. Am I right or am I right? The employees glare as I walk into the store because how dare I enter; let alone try on any clothes!! But I smile right back because soon enough I will be rollin' in the hundies. (Hopefully) 

fashion valley. the stores just go on and on forever
Just yesterday on my Fashion Valley adventure as I was walking out of Anthropologie, a Greenpeace guy (If you're not sure what a Greenpeace guy looks like just type that into google images) stopped me and said, "Save the whales and have lunch with me?" Clever, but I didn't fall for it and instead gave him a nice no thank you....The people you run into at the mall. Gotta love 'em! 

|| Erin  

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