Friday, August 2, 2019

family reunion in seaside, oregon

The Jeppson Family Reunion: it happens every year, usually in a fun, different location and it's 7 days of pure bliss. 

Before we headed to Seaside, Meg, Sara, and I flew into Portland and got to visit the one and only ABBY! If you don't know her, she's the absolute best! 
Abby picked us all up from the airport, let us stay at her place, took us out to breakfast, showed us the town, and gave us a tour of her office. It was so fun to get a glimpse of her life as a city girl. Thanks for the hospitality Abby! 

Then when we made it to Seaside, our first stop was to take in this perfect view right out of the condo. We literally stayed right on the beach and it was magical! 

Love my cute cousins and definitely missed all the ones that couldn't make it this year.

We went Cannon Beach to see Haystack Rock and visit the tide pools. 

With cute Grandma Lola, she's the best and amazing for making these reunions happen every year! Also there were so many hydrangeas everywhere and they were beautiful! 

Then we stopped for lunch at Ecola State Park which had the most beautiful view!

cute sissies 
the og Modesto girls 

Then we went on a hike through the park and it was so green and magical.

This happened during the hike. Oakley and Jo were best buds, like almost too much...

The hike ended with this view and the sun finally came out!

We started off the day with a beach run because family reunions also mean extreme amounts of food, snack, and desserts so we have to even the scales somehow.

We drove to Astoria to visit Cape Disappointment and see the lighthouse and the Maritime Museum. 

We drove 1 hour (yes, 1 whole hour. we're serious about our cheese) to the Tillamook Factory. 
But the drive was worth it for the best grilled cheese sandwiches, mac n cheese, and ice cream! And yes I did use a whole sleeve of lactose pills by myself and that probably wasn't even enough...

We went as a family to our own private showing of the Lion King. 
Then we went to probably the world's smallest aquarium and fed some seals. We chilled by the pool, played games and had a bonfire and s'mores on the beach at night.
Here's a cheesy sunset pic. Grandma LOLA we love you! 

Abby drove down to join us for our last day and we got her a matching shirt to be a part of the clan.  
Then we did a service project and picked up trash on the beach. 

Then we went back to Cannon Beach with Abby for Corgi Day and it was amazing! Corgis everywhere!

Overall, we had a great time, ate too much food, and loved every minute with my cute family.
Shout out to Sam for working hard so I can play hard. And big shoutout to MamaBucks for making this trip possible!

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