Monday, August 19, 2019

st. george weekend

Sam has been working so hard lately and needed a little vacation so he planned a trip to St. George! Karoline got had the hookups so we got to stay the weekend at her grandma's condo in St. George and all the boys took Friday off work which was a miracle. 

After the drive down, we went on a little hike at Pioneer Park to see the tiny slot canyon and a view of the valley. But it was also 100+ degrees so that was awesome.

What a crew--Sam's college roommates, turned bffs, turned work colleagues. Let's just say it's never boring (besides the hour long arguments about grammar or calculus problems). 

Love me some good quality time with Landon. And love my Sammy boy. Shirtless like always.

We also played a lot of Gloomhaven. 
It's the #1 board game right now. If that doesn't impress you I don't know what will.   

Then we did something way out of my comfort zone-- UTVs at Sand Hollow.
I had an ongoing panic attack the whole time but surprisingly I enjoyed myself way more than I thought I would even while in mild cardiac arrest. At one point we were on the tallest dune and basically about to roll sideways all the way down so I was crying/screaming/hyperventilating but also about to pee my pants from laughing so hard because Landon was dying at my panicked state. 
I love this picture of Steven and Karoline! I was too scared to drive but Karoline rocked it and even got some air on a jump!  
lol at the dreads in my hair & peep Sam's teary eyes from getting sand-blasted but we're literally all smiles! The boys made a rookie mistake and didn't bring goggles or sunglasses which made for an interesting time...I'm just glad neither one of them drove us off a cliff. #blessed
We made it to the "Top of the World" but then proceeded to accidentally dismantled the sign..

Overall it was a great weekend break from daily life. And I'll never ever forget Landon getting our UTV stuck on top of a sand dune. We were stranded for probably 30 mins in the 100 degree weather, trying our hardest to push the 2000 pound machine out of the sand and any attempt to drive it out caused the wheels to sink deeper and a 9 foot tower of sand spray to erupt from the spinning wheels. We were covered head to toe in sand and I've washed my hair six times and it still has sand particles in it. We eventually got unstuck by shaking the UTV instead of pushing so for anyone else who gets stuck, you're welcome. 

Also if you're in St. George go to Viva Chicken for some bomb Peruvian food.

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