Tuesday, February 21, 2017

day to day

I've been really bad about updating my blog recently with just the day-to-day happenings. One of the reasons is due to work. Yes I have a job. Yes I love it. Yes it's a little crazy sometimes. We are starting an office remodel in 2 weeks and we have an employee on disability leave so I've been pitching in and am now working 4 days a week. 

Sam came to visit me at work for the first time which was really fun! Well, I sort of forced him to come so I don't know how much fun he had...I had a cancellation one day so I called and woke him up and told him to come get his teeth cleaned. He hasn't been the dentist for 2 years (back when I was still in school) but still had zero cavities!! The dentist was super impressed.  Sam's so sweet for saving the day so I treated him to lunch afterward in downtown La Jolla. You can tell from the pictures how tired Sam looks in the first one compared to the other two hahah.

The below pictures are from back in September when we volunteered with Team Smile and The San Diego Chargers to do a free day of dental work. Tons of kids came for a school field trip and it was exhausting but so worth it. 

And here's a picture of me at an office I temp at regularly cleaning the dentist's teeth. Talk about nerve racking!! 


The other reason for the blog being on the back-burner is because Sam is so busy with school. Most of his time is spent at school or studying in the library. But every Friday night we watch The Bachelor with our friends and every Saturday we try to get out of the house and do something fun. 

One Saturday we went long boarding around the bay. 

We bought some cheap tennis rackets at Target and try to play doubles with our friends once a week.  

We went to the temple one Saturday night per request of Grandma Lola as her birthday present. 

And we watched the sunset at Sunset Cliffs one Sunday night before the busy work/school week started again. 

Even though it's nothing crazy, I love our regular day-to-day happenings. 

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