Wednesday, October 22, 2014

hello zoo

Say hello to the newest San Diego Zoo members!! I'm not bragging or anything; we just take pride in our good investments. Our dual membership was $119 for an unlimited year's entry to the zoo and safari park! Even just going twice pays for itself! Now you know where we will be spending most of our weekends. I've already been to the zoo twice in a span of five days...Making the most of it? Guilty.

Our first zoo visit was with our friends Maddy and Alex. They live in San Diego and have zoo memberships as well. Only two words can describe them: "zoo veterans!" They know everything and anything about the zoo and it's animals. Every dirty detail (Ex: we were here when so and so gave birth!) and every animal's name. (Ex: Cookie the Honey-badger). They were the perfect people to introduce us to the zoo and we had so much fun with them.


My second zoo excursion was sans Samuel. My cute cousin Isabella turned 5 so we celebrated at the zoo. Just Izzy and I. We have spent loads of time together this summer so it was fun to change things up for our playdate. She is the craziest, loudest and silliest five year old I have ever known so our zoo trip was not one to forget. And I'm pretty sure everyone at the zoo thought she was my child so there's that.

Also I'm quite certain that she had more fun playing on the animal statues and picking flowers than walking around to see the real animals. We stopped at every single statue and she insisted that I take a picture. (Don't worry I'll keep those pictures to a minimum). But her faces as she tried to mimic the animals are priceless. 

Along the way we treated our tired feet to a ride on the skyline and a foot massage. That foot massage  was the best 25 cents I have ever spent. She was in heaven!

We love our zoo membership because we can come and go whenever we please. And because the zoo is exhausting and that's the cold hard truth. 

|| Erin

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