Tuesday, February 2, 2016

wils ft. suspension bridge

Round 3 of WILS -- Why I Love Sam!! 
(previous here and here)

Today was Samuel's last day of freedom before he starts work tomorrow!! I'm having all sorts of mixed emotions over here and so is he. He's really excited to be busy again, learning more about practicing law, and working for a new office but he's definitely not too sure about his 5:30 am wake-up call. With his work day + business school night classes I won't see my baby from 5:30am-8:00pm and 10pm on Tuesday nights! But I'm so proud of him for getting this spring/summer law internship and being willing to work along with school. And I love Sam because this morning he suggested we take advantage of his last free morning with a quick trip to the Spruce Street Suspension bridge. (I've been wanting to go for a while now).

The Suspension Bridge is in the cutest neighbor right next to us. And you would never guess it's located right between a bunch of houses. Like hey, can that be my backyard?...
We had the whole place to ourselves which was perfect for one last morning with my bf. 

 Also someone, aka Sam, got a little "creeped out" -- his words, not mine. Because it's a suspension bridge and it was a particularly windy day, there was a lot of swaying going on. Sam's not the happiest when it comes to heights and an old bridge from 1912 didn't make him feel any better. But I love Sam because he still had fun and didn't mind all the pictures. Sure proud of my #instragramhusband.

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