Tuesday, January 5, 2016

christmas in utah

We are here in Orem, Utah!! It is very cool but also very cold!
But it is perfect for snuggling and cozying up by the fireplace downstairs.
snow falling outside + jammies + Christmas tree lights + fire + Samuel = the best time

 Breakfast date at Jamba with my boyfriend just because.

I took a weekend trip to Wyoming with my sisters for my cousin Justin's wedding. It's always a #buckwild time with the Buckley cousins. They are always up for a good dance party.
We were missing most of them but Brooke kept us company.

 Wyoming is also the best because of the puppies. Copper was just born this summer and is the cutest! 

We ended our trip in Wyoming with a snow storm. My cutie sister Sara leaves for a study abroad in Jerusalem starting in January and we're going to miss her! 4 months is a long time! Too long!

And what's better than puppies? More puppies!! To commemorate our last day all together we went to the Puppy Barn in American Fork because it's probably the closest thing to heaven! You can just hold and pet the puppies for hours! #neverleaving

I mean look at this little guy! I am totally making Sam go back with me before we go home.
 I need more puppies in my life/ I need all the puppies! 

Playing outside on Christmas Eve because snow started falling just in time for a White Christmas!! Then 7 of us including spouses had a sibling sleep over by the tree and it was magical until Samuel started throwing up at 3am. #lactoseprobs 

Christmas Day photo with my brand new selfie stick lol! #thanksdad
We wish you all a Merry Christmas! 

Definitely the runt of the family even though I'm 10 years older than baby Ethan...

Out on New Year's Eve with these fools. It was an interesting time...

It was a fun, jam-packed holiday. Between our 20 hour roundtrip roadtrip, we included 6 hours of family parties, 6 hours and 45 minutes of Star Wars (yes we watched in 3 times...the things I do for Samuel), and 45 hours of video games. So pretty good right? Can't wait for next year!

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