Tuesday, September 22, 2015

sayonara surfing summer

My surfer boy and I have loved hitting the waves this summer. Our motto: work, surf, sleep, repeat.
And we have lived up to it! We spend every free moment at the ocean, so much so my skin is never not some shade of red, my hair is constantly tangled, and my feet are always sandy. 
But like I always say, "A bad day of surfing is better than a good day of working." lol I really just saw that on a surfing website or something...but it's the truth. Even just getting out of our apartment for an hour after work to surf is so fun + it makes us 10x happier.  

Awhile back we got a Walmart low quality waterproof camera. It's a bonus because one of us 
(ahem, Sam) doesn't get bored while we have to take turns surfing. Win in my book. 
Plus it takes a really great action shots...
Hands down, the best part is coming home to find gems like this! ^^ 
And this. ^^
This summer has rocked because no wetsuits are required. Meaning, 1.) I can try to get tan, #notfair that Sam just gets brown and browner everyday 2.) We can just cruise over to the beach and not worry about fiddling with wetsuit wedgies and the like. But today the water was definitely starting to cool down #fallstartstomorrow so we surfed away the last day of summer until the sun set and our camera died.  

|| Erin

1 comment:

  1. Nice pics, looks fun! but I was hoping I would see some of a bare chested Sam as well!



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