We are lucky that Sam works so hard and that he gets to take some breaks every once in awhile too! We were so excited for him to have some time off so we planned a trip to San Diego to show Maeve our favorite place. We decided to fly to save Maeve the 11 hour car ride and she did so well! She definitely didn't love seeing our faces covered by masks but we got her to do a few smiles on the plane and then fall asleep as we were landing.
We went to Tourmaline, our favorite surfing beach, Sam surfed and I rocked Maeve to sleep under cover of a blanket because she hated the wind. But the sound of ocean waves put her right to sleep. 

We ate a ton of acai bowls, Panera Mac n Cheese, and Sidecar Donuts, and our favorite fish n chips but we were so sad that our favorite little restaurant was out of business when we drove up. We both had been craving it and it was such a let down to see a new vegetarian restaurant in it's place.
We went to Solana Beach and had Maeve play in the water a little bit. This was her second time dipping her toes in the sand and waves but she still wasn't a big fan. No screaming or crying happened but we could just tell she was stressed and fussy about it.

She loves snuggling her Daddy.

She may not love the beach but she sure does love the pool!

We spent Saturday at Oceanside with the Buhlers and it was so fun! They were so nice to let us stay at their place for a few days and use their surfboards. But I had so much fun surfing with Sharee. So good to know we still got it! And one day Maeve be a surfer girl too!

We got to visit my old office in La Jolla and it was so fun to see them and show them Maeve.

She fell asleep playing while we were eating dinner in our hotel room. Baby girl knows how to party hard!

Happy girl at the Buhler's house.
It was so fun to see them and we also learned that Maeve likes petting their bunny.