Sunday, June 30, 2019

a visit to san diego

At the end of May we were lucky enough to take a trip to our favorite place- SAN DIEGO!
Our original plan was to spend Memorial Day weekend (Friday-Monday) in San Deigo after Sam came home Thursday night from a business trip in Las Vegas. But Monday night, we found out I could tag along on the business trip! Which meant we would already be halfway to San Deigo! So our weekend trip suddenly turned into a weeklong vacation starting Tuesday in Las Vegas! My boss was super nice and let me take 2 days off work last minute, I was able to find a temp for work, a sub to cover our primary class, and I was able to cancel my babysitting obligation. Let me tell you, it was a stressful 12 hours but it was meant to be! And I totally needed it! I needed be in my favorite place, seeing my favorite people, doing my favorite thing.  

The stars aligned (or I guess I should say sun aligned) and it was the most perfect beach day even when the weather forecast mentioned rain all weekend! #blessed
 We soaked in the sun for hours, read, and napped and I've never been so relaxed in my life! 
The beach truly is my happy place. 

Super pale but super happy.
Our Utah skin definitely got roasted. 

Then we went to our favorite post beach grub spot where my favorite murals are located. 

Then we rented some surf boards for a few hours and hit the ocean. The waves weren't the greatest but we weren't coming all the way to San Diego without a surf! And let me tell you, we still got it! We both probably caught the best wave our or life!

Then we went to our favorite spot to watch the sunset. It was magical besides the fact that we froze. 

We headed to OB for some bomb acai bowls with our gracious hosts the Koons. 

Then we rented one of those tacky tourist bikes but had the time of our lives for a whole hour! 

We had a blast playing Monopoly Deal and Smash Ball at the bay, had In-N-Out for lunch and then Bronx Pizza for dinner. 

The rest of the weekend was spent catching up with my besties Cortney, Kinzie & Jacky and eating Rose Donuts and one final stop at the Taco Stand because we hadn't eaten enough food already...

I seriously have a deep love for San Diego and it will forever hold a special place in my heart! It was the best little, big vacation ever! 

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