Sunday, January 6, 2019

woodland hills home

Just when we finally got everything situated in our new place (the pictures hung and the packing boxes thrown away due to our limited storage space) we find out we're moving again! That's a whole other story but I just wanted a reminder of our cute little 550 sq feet home and of all the good and hard times we shared here. 

One nice thing about the move to Woodland Hills is that we finally upgraded to a new couch, bed/mattress, and tv stand after getting rid of our well loved craigslist furniture we had for 4 years. 
Cutie place all decorated for Christmas! 

We enjoyed little perks of the apartment like working out together every night and then relaxing in the hot tub or playing tennis together. 
The months we lived here were definitely the hardest we've ever experienced. There were a lot of tears shed here during the crazy couple months of change and disappointment but I also grew spiritually and was able to support Sam in a way I haven't before and it made us closer than ever!

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