Friday, March 24, 2017


It's my favorite boy's 28th birthday!
Of course I just had to add a cute picture from when he was young and carefree lol. Law school is stressing him out to the max rn but he just keeps on working hard everyday and I love him for that. 

This year Sam's birthday fell on a Wednesday which isn't fun at all, especially because he has school until 10pm on Wednesdays. He woke up early to go to school but luckily was able to come home for a lunch break. My mom was in town so we decided to have a yummy brunch ready with some of his favorites--acai bowls and breakfast burritos. 

Sam has been getting so sick lately, not just from his #lactoseprobs but also from any processed food or sugar. A couple days ago he threw up after he ate popcorn! We were sad we couldn't make him a birthday cake or treat so acai bowls were the healthiest "treat" option we could come up with. Sam is so disciplined though and wouldn't even let me go pick up a donut for him. But what's a birthday without cake!? so mom and I went out for some cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory while Sam was in his last class until 10...sorry babe.
Sam was also able to go on a little lunchtime adventure to Cabrillo National Monument which is so beautiful this time of year. But more on that later.

Happy birthday Samuel!! I love you and any excuse to celebrate how wonderful you are!

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