Hello 3rd trimester!!
February 26th: Can no longer fit in my regular scrub tops so I bought two maternity scrub tops a week ago but I couldn't bring myself to wear them because they are hideous so I opted for a t-shirt and lab coat instead. One of these days though...
March 4th: Down to one of the last shirts that fits me so I wear this outfit almost everyday I'm not at work. Also took a tour of the hospital tonight with Sam. He was so cute and trying to memorize all the different turns and directions to get up to the labor and delivery unit so he wouldn't forget the day of. Love him! He also asked the nurse what triage means and she said, "you get triaged" then Sam said, "do you have a synonym for triage?" It was priceless.
March 11th: Looking huge and glamorous for our nightly walk around the neighborhood. Things have been getting crazy with the corona virus so we've been trying to stay home but get outside a couple times a day for a walk. I still am working but talked to my boss and told him it should probably be my last day (March 16th) due to the craziness of everything and how dental professionals are at a super high risk of infection due to aerosols, droplets and close proximity to people. He agreed and we rushed to find temps to cover and then the next day the ADA came out and said dental offices should close for 2-3 weeks to prevent spread of the virus so I guess I was just a day ahead. Hello early maternity leave! We got to keep baby girl safe over here!

Also took some pics with Meg with our twinning bumps.
March 18th: Haven't been wearing real clothes for a week because of the at home quarantine and it definitely makes me feel not as productive so I need to work on creating a schedule so I don't end up watching movies all day.
March 25th: I've had really bad pregnancy insomnia recently and haven't been able to fall asleep until 3 am because I'm so uncomfy, baby moves like crazy at night, and because I think my lungs disappeared and don't work anymore. But at home I came up with a to do list/ schedule that I follow everyday and I have been so much more productive! It includes making breakfast, lunch & dinner, excercising by myself, reading the scriptures, going on 2 walks with Sam, doing some sort of chore, and together time with Sam at night like going for a drive or playing a game. Now I don't end up watching tv until around 7 or 8 at night so that's a win!
April 1st: Pregnancy insomnia is still prevalent-one night I got in bed at 10:30pm and laid there until 12 when I had to get up because I was starving. Then I proceeded trying to fall asleep again but ended up watching Gilmore Girls, playing Boggle on my phone, and ordering groceries on Walmart Grocery Pick up until I finally fell asleep at 4:00am and then woke up at 8am because I was starving again! Seriously the weirdest night!
April 8th: Mom arrived in town and has been feeding our pregnant tummies very well! PS we move in this Friday and I can't wait to finally start nesting and get organized!
April 15th: Made it successfully into our new home and we love it!! I had my last ultrasound today before baby comes and she is head down and weighing around 5 lbs 10oz!! So crazy!
April 22nd: It's actually warm which means I can finally wear dresses! This is super exciting because all of my other clothes no longer fit so I was looking super grungy but now I can attempt to look cute again! Been having some contractions, mostly at night and also the most horrible heart pain. It's actually probably the ligaments/muscles around my ribs and heart but the doctor said baby girl's bum and legs are just chilling there and putting tons of pressure so nothing to be concerned about. I'm not really dilated yet but am starting to efface.Also took some pics with Meg with our twinning bumps.
April 29th: I feel huge! I went on a walk with Sam the other day and had to stop every couple feet because of contractions but they're still just Braxton Hicks I think. I feel pretty ready in terms of the house being clean & set up and baby stuff purchased but physically I don't know if I'm ready for labor yet. But everyday I am feeling more and more uncomfortable so I will probably get there soon.
May 6th: Went to my weekly doctors appointment and got some disappointing news that I'm only dilated to 0.5cm. So I've upped my exercise routine and have been going on more walks with Sam. We also finally got to enjoy the sun and we spent the day at Highland Glen Park by the little lake.
May 13th: Celebrated my first Mother's Day and it was lovely. Had a yummy brunch at Mom's and then went to Sam's parents for dinner. We're getting so close and I can't believe baby girl will be here in a week or less...hopefully not more. But after my doctor's appointment today I do have an induction date scheduled for May 21st just in case! So we'll for sure be parents in 9 days! Wild!!